Korea Digital Contents Society
[ Corrigendum ]
Journal of Digital Contents Society - Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.563-563
ISSN: 1598-2009 (Print) 2287-738X (Online)
Print publication date 28 Feb 2025

Corrigendum : 트랜스포머 기반 산림지와 도심지 의미론적 분할 및 탄소 저장량 예측 기법

우승우1 ; 장은서2 ; 곽찬희3, *
1강남대학교 인공지능융합공학부 인공지능전공 학사과정
2강남대학교 소프트웨어응용학과 학사과정
3강남대학교 인공지능융합공학부 데이터사이언스전공 조교수
Corrigendum : Transformer-based Semantic Segmentation and Carbon Storage Prediction Model for Application in Forest and Urban Areas
Seung-Woo Woo1 ; Eun-Seo Jang2 ; Chanhee Kwak3, *
1Bachelor's Course, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kangnam University, Yongin 16979, Korea
2Bachelor's Course, Department of Software Applications, Kangnam University, Yongin 16979, Korea
3Assistant Professor, Department of Data Science, Kangnam University, Yongin 16979, Korea

Correspondence to: *Chanhee Kwak Tel: +82-31-280-3718 E-mail: chk@kangnam.ac.kr

Copyright Ⓒ 2025 The Digital Contents Society

디지털콘텐츠학회논문지(Journal of Digital Contents Society)Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 3495-3503, Nov. 2024ISSN: 1598-2009(print) / 2287-738X(online)http://dx.doi.org/10.9728/dcs.2024.25.11.3495

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